
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
PCR #99: I Got 99 Problems and This Episode is One
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
In this episode, Travis and Chris unpack a few news items from the last couple of months in the world of pop culture. They open up with some discussion on the new Avengers Endgame trailer and what else they want to see from it before the movie comes out. With the recent passing of Stan Lee, they reveal some of their favorite cameos in movies and tv shows. They talk about Kevin Hart stepping down from his lifelong dream of hosting the Oscars, and what's going on in the “outrage culture” world nowadays. Does Black Panther deserve Best Picture nominations? Why is the Lion King being remade? The Marvel/Netflix alliance is coming to an end with the recent cancellation of Daredevil. So what happened, who caused the split, and what's going to happen? What's Chris’ suggestion for Netflix post-Marvel? They have some reactions to the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie poster as well as the new Super Smash Brothers video game. They wrap up by talking about some movies left to see this year and what Travis thinks about “Oscar bait” flicks.

Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
PCR #98 - Deep in the Horror of Ghosts
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
In this special Halloween episode, Travis is joined by the crew of the Deep in the Horror of Texas podcast as they discuss some great (and not so great) ghost movies. Movies that focus more on the designs and styles of bringing the ghosts to life (so to speak), and not just invisible specters that just throw stuff around. They countdown a top 10 list of the films including some honorable mentions from everyone. What was the most memorable ghost? What was the scariest? Which ones gave them goosebumps? How does everything tie back to Haunting of Hill House? Will Nathan ever get his microphone working?? This is a crazy episode that goes off the rails a few times but a great time was had! So hit the download button and enjoy!
Check out Deep in the Horror of Texas on iTunes, Spotify, and anywhere else you get your podcasts from for some great horror talk!

Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
PCR #97 - Jurassic Rewind: Fallen Franchise
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
In this episode, Travis is joined by a special returning co-host so they can breakdown the latest film in the Jurassic Park franchise, Fallen Kingdom! There were several flaws throughout the movie and they’re here to pick them all apart. They spend a little time talking about the previous films and the successes of each one, then do a breakdown of Fallen Kingdom starting with an overly complicated opening sequence, a ripped off title card, a gratuitous cameo, returning characters who act completely different from the last movie, useless sidekicks, predictably bad villains, lazy plots we’ve seen before, a terrible attempt at nostalgia feels, a lame subplot, an even more overly complicated scheme by the villains, trying to figure out how manly Chris Pratt’s character is, finding out dinosaurs have emotions, raptors who know how to do dramatic saves, and an ending that doesn’t bode well for mankind. So if you’ve seen Fallen Kingdom and had some questions, if you’ve liked it, or if you hated it, this is the episode for you.

Thursday Oct 04, 2018
PCR #96 - Transformers: More Than Meets the Movie
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
The 1986 animated classic, Transformers: The Movie, was released for one day only and Travis and Chris were out in full force to watch it! In this episode, they talk about how this showing came to be, when they got their tickets, getting some freebies, the special features that played before and after the movie, how the video, audio, and how the overall presentation was. What was the best moment or scene to them, and what got the best reactions from the other moviegoers? What was awkward about the post-movie feature? They also talk about the upcoming Bumblebee movie by breaking down that awesome trailer that was just released showcasing a more nostalgic take on the live action franchise. Where does the franchise go from here? There are some new G1 classic toys that are starting to pop up, which ones and are they buying them? Find out how many versions of Transformers: The Movie does Travis own? Find out in this fun little episode!

Monday Sep 24, 2018
PCR #95 - Conventions: From Comics to Chaos
Monday Sep 24, 2018
Monday Sep 24, 2018
In this episode, Travis and Chris talk about how comic cons have evolved over the years but go off the rails a few times as they take on some news on the future of the X-Men and the MCU, the new Captain Marvel trailer thoughts and anticipations for the movie, Henry Cavill is out as Superman and what’s next for DC, and thoughts on the new Joker movie. Travis has something to say about the upcoming She-Ra Netflix series and wonders if it will be connected to a bigger universe. They give some rapid-fire reviews for Iron Fist season 2, Peppermint, The Nun, and the Predator. What movie did Chris love in the 90s? What are a couple 90s movies that have the worst special effects? Travis finally saw Won’t You Be My Neighbor, what was his criticism of it? They then talk about going to watch the one-time screening of Transformers: The Movie which quickly diverted into a wild rant of irritating movie theater pet peeves.
Travis went to the Fandemic Tour over the weekend and gives his thoughts on his visit and what his main reason for going was. This gets him going on his thoughts on professional Photo Ops versus getting autographs. What did he say to a guest celebrity? They go off the rails again as they discuss the rare collectible he found at the con that he couldn’t pass up.
Travis remembers his very first comic con experience from the late 80s. Did he even know what a comic convention was at that time? What was his find there?
He then discusses what he calls the “Hotel ballroom” comic conventions era from the mid-90s and why that was a special time.
From there it’s the Wizard World cons which was the early days of the “big” cons we see nowadays, and what aspects from this time he wishes would come back. There was a break after that when he got back into comic cons around 2009. What was different this time around and how has it affected every con to this day?
What is Chris’ suggestion for Travis? Is Travis a hypocrite for paying for photo ops? What does he want to see change in the future for the con scene?
They wrap up with talk about the upcoming Playstation Classic and online services for the Nintendo Switch and DC Universe.

Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
PCR #94: Summertime Shakedown!
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
In this episode, Travis and Chris take a look back at all of the movies they’ve seen during the summer movie season. Beware of potential spoilers on some of the films they discuss. Which ones did they like the most? What didn’t they like? Who saw more movies? They wrap up by listing some of the movies they are looking forward to that are coming out throughout the remainder of the year. Also, due to a technicality, Avengers: Infinity War is excluded from this episode. How’s that possible? You’ll have to listen to find out!
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Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
PCR #93: SDCC Fallout! News, Reviews, Trailers & More
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
In this episode Travis and Chris breakdown everything from this packed weekend during the 2018 SDCC! They go into some pre-Con news items as James Gunn was fired from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 and go into a big discussion as to whether they think if Disney was in the right and the aftermath of the firing. Also before the Con, there were a few details revealed for the new stand-alone Joker film starring Joaquin Phoenix. Speaking of DC related projects, SDCC was home to several news items for DC, the first being an official name to the DCEU, as well as including the reveal of brand new trailers for Aquaman and Shazam. They go into detail about their thoughts on both trailers, what worked and what didn't work, and which one are they looking forward to the most. DC also revealed the line-up of upcoming animated movies. DC also revealed more info for their upcoming streaming service, DC Universe, by releasing trailers for Young Justice and Titans (yes, we talk about that trailer) as well as how much it will cost. After the DC stuff, they rapid fire their thoughts on some other trailers from the Con and then wrap up by talking about a neat little Uncharted fan film by Nathan Fillion, some Transformers talk, and then go really off the rails with some anime talk to tie the episode up. This is another fun episode, so hit the download button and enjoy!

Monday Jun 25, 2018
PCR #92: So-So for Solo
Monday Jun 25, 2018
Monday Jun 25, 2018
In this episode, Travis goes it alone as he reviews and gives his thoughts on Solo: A Star Wars Story. He starts out by going over some of the history and backstory of the making and casting of the movie, and then reviews the movie from beginning to end. After that, he gives his thoughts on the cast, some of the moments of the film, what he liked and didn’t like, and then talks a little about the fallout of its release, from executive decisions to box office troubles. He wraps up by guessing where they can go next in the “Solo” series, if they wanted to expand on this one. Did you enjoy the movie? Should they further this series? Let us know what you think!

Wednesday May 30, 2018
PCR #91: Live from Comicpalooza 2018
Wednesday May 30, 2018
Wednesday May 30, 2018
In this episode, Travis and Chris are live at Comicpalooza pop culture convention in Houston, TX! What better time to talk about what got them into reading comic books! From the 1960’s Batman TV show running in syndication, to the X-Men animated series, to even watching movies, there’s always that one thing that gets you to crack open a comic. They also reveal some of the comic storylines that got them hooked into collecting them as well and then take to asking some fellow convention goers what got them into comics too. There’s also a big surprise and return to the show as Xavier drops by to join the conversation as well! Check it out and enjoy!
(Outro music by Sophie Marlon)
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Monday May 07, 2018
PCR #90: To Infinity and Beyond
Monday May 07, 2018
Monday May 07, 2018
In this episode, Travis, Chris, and Jeff (joining us from the Deep in the Horror of Texas podcast) give their thoughts and review on AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR! They get spoiler heavy, so if you’re the one person who hasn’t seen it yet, you may want to do so before listening. They break down the movie scene by scene and discuss the ins and outs of how everything has been building towards this film and what works and what doesn't work. They go off on some tangents here and there, including one talking about what’s going on with Fox and if/when the Fantastic Four will get involved at some point. Which character stood out the most to us? What emotions were we going through as soon as the movie ended? Why is Chris siding with Thanos?!
They also talk about their favorite moments, surprises, and team-ups during the movie, as well as seeing where Thanos ranks as a villain in the MCU (shouldn’t be a surprise). They give their “recommended viewing” Marvel movies to watch before going in to see Infinity War, what’s required and what’s missable. They also try their hand at predicting where Avengers 4 will go from here. They wrap up by doing a rapid fire on some other summer blockbusters coming up and which ones they’re looking forward to the most. This is a good one, so hit the download button and enjoy!

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
PCR Rewind #51 - Alien Spotlight Part 1: it's Xenomorphin' Time!
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
**Enjoy this classic episode originally released on April 26, 2016. Also be sure to check out the other 3 episodes of this spotlight in the archives**
In honor of #AlienDay, we board the Nostromo and set a course to LV-426 as we kick off our huge look back at the entire ALIEN franchise! In this episode we start where it all began with Ridley Scott’s iconic 1979 sci-fi horror film, Alien! From there we look at the action-packed 1986 sequel directed by James Cameron, Aliens! How well does the first film hold up? Just what the hell is a xenomorph? How much of a boss is Ripley? What’s the deal with “the company”? How awesome is Bill Paxton?! We answer all these questions and more as we take a look at our favorite moments from these tales of beauty and the Bitch! We’ll continue with the next two films in our next episode!

Monday Apr 23, 2018
PCR #89: Player One is Ready
Monday Apr 23, 2018
Monday Apr 23, 2018
What?! A new episode?? In this episode, Travis goes over the movie, Ready Player One by running down a quick review of the film as well as give his thoughts on what he liked and didn’t like. How many references could he find? What was the name of the big company that was trying to take over? Where is the government and law enforcement in this world? How do you pronounce Parzival? After all of that, he’d like to know, what was the better video game movie: Ready Player One, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, Scott Pilgrim, or Wreck It Ralph? What do you think? Let us know! So go ahead and hit the download button and enjoy the Oasis...

Monday Mar 05, 2018
PCR Rewind #39 - The Askewed View of Kevin Smith
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Monday Mar 05, 2018
That was a pretty scary close call with ol' Kev last week, and it made me think of this great episode we did in honor of his View Askew collection of films. Check it out and enjoy!
"On our 39th episode (in a row?), Travis & Xavier do a spotlight on the View Askewniverse! What is the View Askewniverse you might ask? It’s the brilliant collection of films from Kevin Smith that became well known for the witty, sharp humor, controversial moments, and the interconnectivity between all of them that made this cinematic shared universe a cult classic. They discuss what impact these films had on them growing up, some of the stars that appeared in them, the soundtracks, the topics, the language, and of course…Jay and Silent Bob! Hit the download button, check it out, and tell us your favorite View Askew moment! Snoogins!"

Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
PCR #88: 2017 REWIND!!
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
It's that time again, Travis & Chris rewind the entire year of 2017 and talk about all the TV shows, video games, and of course, movies they enjoyed (and didn't enjoy) throughout the year. What was their "must see" tv series, and which ones surprised them the most? What was Travis' top 10 list of his favorite films he enjoyed this year? Which ones does he consider the worst? Chris has an interesting pick for one of his favorites, just listen to find out what it is! They wrap up by going over some movies that are coming out this year that they are eagerly waiting for. What was your favorite film in 2017? What TV show had you binging? Hit the download button, check out the episode, and give us your thoughts!
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Monday Jan 08, 2018
PCR #87: Attack of the Swerves
Monday Jan 08, 2018
Monday Jan 08, 2018
Sooo...funny story, we sat down and recorded our big review of Star Wars: The Last Jedi a few days after it was released, only to forget about it until after we recorded our huge 2017 rewind episode (that's what happens when you record during the holidays). So enjoy this SPOILER filled (does that matter at this point?) review of the newest, longest, and definitely the most controversial addition to the Star Wars episodic saga. Luke said it wasn't going to go the way you think, boy was he right about that!
Stay tuned for our big 2017 Rewind episode coming soon!

Friday Dec 22, 2017
PCR #86: Let's Talk About Disney and Fox
Friday Dec 22, 2017
Friday Dec 22, 2017
Travis and Chris are here to talk about the recent news of Disney buying out Fox Studios. They ignore all the legal mumbo jumbo and just sit back and hash out all their fantasy moviemaking possibilities (big and small) from the huge deal. What's the biggest thing they're looking forward to? What kind of crossovers would they like to see? How does this affect the MCU? What are YOU looking forward to the most? Hit the download button and enjoy!

Monday Dec 18, 2017
PCR Rewind #12 - Holy Crap, Christmas is Already Here?!
Monday Dec 18, 2017
Monday Dec 18, 2017
**With just a week before #Christmas, enjoy this classic episode as we talk about our favorite holiday movies!**
In this episode, Travis and Xavier take a look at some of their favorite and not so favorite Christmas time movies, cartoons, and TV specials. What's the all time best "go to" Christmas movie that they both picked? Did you ever watch the classic animated specials that come on every year? Is Gremlins a Christmas movie or a horror movie? They answer all these questions and much, much more, so check it out, and feel free to comment on what you're favorite holiday movie is! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Thursday Nov 30, 2017
PCR #85: Crisis...on CW!
Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Thursday Nov 30, 2017
What a better way to follow up our Justice League episode...with the review no one asked for! Travis sits down in his recliner and (SPOILERS) breaks down everything wrong with the Crisis on Earth X crossover event for all of CW's DC Comics tv shows. It's got Supergirl, Green Arrow, the Flash, and a bunch of other heroes and villains mixed in, what could go wrong?
If you're a fan of the CW DC (DCW?) shows, then hit thje download button, give it a listen and see if you agree or disagree!
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Monday Nov 27, 2017
PCR #84: ...And Justice For All!
Monday Nov 27, 2017
Monday Nov 27, 2017
In this episode, Travis and Chris give their thoughts and review for JUSTICE LEAGUE! Beware of spoilers as they talk about the plot, the characters, and all of the little easter eggs in the film. Did they like the movie? The answer may surprise you. How does this movie compare to the previous DCU entries? What worked, and what didn’t? What do they want to see happen next in the DCU? Check it out and give us a rate and review on iTunes when you’re done!
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Monday Nov 13, 2017
SNEEK PEAK: Wrestling Relapse
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Monday Nov 13, 2017
And now for something completely different.....
We'll be doing a second podcast, with the same format as PCR, just focusing on wrestling. If you've ever been a fan, please give it a listen. If you're not a fan, we'll still have episodes of PCR coming out as well (but feel free to download this anyways ;)).
In this pilot episode of Wrestling Relapse, our hosts Travis and Chris think back about what originally got them hooked into the sport of wrestling and what has made them stay to this day. Do you remember what got you hooked? When you went to your first live event? Were you WWF or WCW?? We talk about all that and wrap up by teasing some of the things we’ll be doing in upcoming episodes.
If you’ve ever been a wrestling fan as a kid, got into it as an adult, or just been a diehard lifer like us, then hit the subscribe button and download this episode!
Follow us on social media to see when more episodes will be coming:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wrestlingrelapse
Instagram: www.instagram.com/wrestlingrelapse